Monday, March 19, 2007


I wish I had a positive experience in blogging in my EDM 310 class. To be honest, it has been more of a hassle than anything else. I think blogs could be fun, but I am behind on the times. I rarely have access to a computer, and when I do get on it takes forever to load pages! I am amazed at the technology we have though. It is an exciting thing to be able to post your thoughts on the computer and at a click of a button be able to read your classmate's thoughts. I like how you can personalize your blog too. You can design it in a layout to match your personality and share pictures about your life. Blogging would be really helpful if I had friend who lived far away. It is a good way to stay in touch and share links.
I don't know if I will use blogging in my classroon. If I was a high school teacher then maybe, but I am teaching younger children and I don't know. Though most 5th graders know more about computers than me. In terms of privacy I am not crazy about blogging. I want my students to be able to post their thoughts in a journal and have that to keep forever... on paper too. However, blogging is a good way to practice internet skills and typing skills. Which is super important to the future generation. And if my students blogged then reading their messy handwriting wouldn't be a problem! I guess I have mixed emotions on the experience.

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