Monday, March 19, 2007

U.S. Blogs

I found two very different examples of blogs being used in classrooms in the USA. The first was Ms. Kreul's Class Blog. A fourth grade class at Richards Elementary School in Whitefish Bay, WI. I really liked this blog, and if I did use blogs in the classroom I would immitate this set up. The teacher had everything on here! State captital info, homework reading logs, reminders, etc. Then she posted helpful links for her students. Her blog spot would benefit parents. If you would like to view the page click here.
Another USA blog I found was Ms. Dancunzo's classroom blog. It wasn't nearly as detailed as the other one. You could view your students blogs easily, which was positive. She also had her blog set up where students could receive information on each subject she was teaching. Her home page was setup to read "A "blog" is a web log. It is just like your writing journal except it's on the internet." Which I thought was a cute way to explain blogging to children. Though I wasn't sure which grade level she taught. It looked like elementary level. The page looked fairly new. To get to her blog click here. Here is a picture I found from Ms. Kreul's blog page!

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